Monday, August 23, 2010

What About the Innocents?

Anyone who knows me knows that I would not be a fan of Ms. Huffington. However, she did run an article that needs to be first page news in every publication around the country and maybe around the world.

Are you willing to take a few minutes to comment on the Huffington Post web site in order to bring to light the abuse happening to our children who have no voice? Please visit and speak up for our innocents:

Thank y0u, gail

Monday, August 9, 2010

Nearly Spoonless

Conditions this summer have left me nearly spoonless (please see last entry for explanation) for blogging. It has been a hot, humid season and I have had to care for Isabella much more than planned.

As I sit here typing, my bed is calling out to me to take a nap. Himself is out with The Boy and Bells is watching Cinderella for maybe the fifteenth time in a month so I have no option but to stay awake.

Life has been challenging but we are muddling through. God's mercy is evident in that we still have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and clothing on our backs.

Thinking about the souls I have met here brings a warm feeling to my heart. Do you know that when you come to mind I try to remember to pray for you?

For dear J whose health has been a trial and is awaiting treatment.
For wonderful R who is going to school and taking care of home and hearth whilst battling her own health issues.
For T across the pond who never fails to bring a smile to my face.
For G who lives with some of the same challenges on the "spectrum" that we live with.
B, the survivor whose mom is battling a devastating illness.
Irrepressible 'r as he continues to labor in the Lord's army.
C, a proud professional working to bring justice to a system that is failing. My beloved adopted child W, who has a spirit of adventure and love.
My adopted son, R, working too hard but trying to balance his life with a little fun.
D who keeps me laughing as she lives her life loving her hubby, daughters, grandkids and many pets, hopefully in that order. L who is growing in her faith as she takes the bull by the horns and gets her house, literal and figurative, in order!
CL working away and keeping her mama safe and happy as they both serve Him faithfully.
Optimistic A who kept me riveted with her stories leading up to her wedding and pregnancy.
L, my dear sister separated from birth, sharing her beautiful photography and life on a ranch.
D, another sister who showed me how one little tree can tell a story.
J, persevering no matter what life throws her way and convincing me that I just might have some beauty in me!
R, working to fight a government he finds tyranical.
A, a man who fights his anger and protects his family.
L, a man of God who preaches truth unashamedly.
A, waiting to go home after faithfully following her hubby.
S, another mom gone back to school as she inspires me to think about running again.
C, wonder woman, building her body as she nurtures her boys!
S, the chronicler, traveling and dancing as she keeps her girls and honey supplied with gourmet meals.
L, the hipster, whose are hangs in my home.
A, a sweet mom having fun with her girls, taking pictures to chronicle their antics.
M, another sister separated from birth living far away from me where she teaches and grows her family taking them on wonderful adventures!
J, who is hardly around but can get me to chuckle no matter what.
D, a fellow gram who loves her challenged grandchild so much it hurt and who supports her daughter no matter what.
S, across the pond, too, another gram who has the heart of a poet.

I know there are more and I hope you will forgive me if I have left you out. The Holy Spirit knows and sends prayers for all for me.

Much love, g

How could I forget my partner in crime, J! We've never met but we have so much in common including fms.