Monday, August 23, 2010

What About the Innocents?

Anyone who knows me knows that I would not be a fan of Ms. Huffington. However, she did run an article that needs to be first page news in every publication around the country and maybe around the world.

Are you willing to take a few minutes to comment on the Huffington Post web site in order to bring to light the abuse happening to our children who have no voice? Please visit and speak up for our innocents:

Thank y0u, gail


  1. My greatest fear Gail...especially since Eric is still mostly non-verbal.

  2. Thanks for bringing light to an often dark topic!

    Yes, do facebook me. :)

    Amy Hornek

  3. I do believe this happens more than we all know. A nighmare for any Mom or Dad. Hard to say anything Gail about your post. No words here would help or feel fitting.
    Im thinking about you
    Peace and Im praying for calm thoughts.
    We live in a very sick world.
