A little bit of this and a little bit of that with a whole lot of love...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Feeling Faint Falderal
You know how each occupation or lifestyle has its own humor? When I worked in a hospital, the jokes we told there did not translate into the every day world. People thought it morbid. Same thing with ethnic jokes, senior moments, etc.
Talking with one of Isabella's schoolmate's mom's, M, I questioned her about what she thinks is acceptable in the world of people who love someone who has autism. I told her that I almost wrote out the comment, "At least, with her autism, Isabella always has someone to talk to." (see http://conquerautism.com/blog/?tag=scripting) M laughed and agreed that others wouldn't get it. As a matter of fact, they might think it cruel when it is just the statement of a gram who loves her grandchild more than she could ever think it possible to!
There is a site that sells t-shirts such as "Proud Grandparent of an Autistic Granddaughter." Another shirt states, "Autism rocks! And flaps and spins..." Would you be apalled to see that last one? M said that is her favorite! My daughter is afraid to wear that one because she is afraid she might hurt the feelings of one of the other parents at school.
I guess it is a matter of what one is comfortable with and the spirit in which they present it. For some, one of those shirts is the same as the having an autism awareness magnet on their car. Still, maybe I ought to stick with something like this: Or, more importantly, this:
Do you work in a field or have an interest where the humor related to it doesn't translate to the rest of the world? See above.
Other than sleep, how to you get beyond fatigue? Going for a walk might work.
Any plans for the weekend? My greatniece is being dedicated on Sunday and I am attending the party and service. It will be good to have the family together.
Are you sad because summer is waning or are you looking forward to autumn? The only sad part of summer ending for me is the shortened daylight hours. Other than that, bring on the crisp, cool days of autumn!
Sing or hum? Used to be sing all the time but I find I don't know as many words as I do tunes these days so humming it is!
Hoping that all is well in your world, g
Feeling Faint Falderal



You know how each occupation or lifestyle has its own humor? When I worked in a hospital, the jokes we told there did not translate into the every day world. People thought it morbid. Same thing with ethnic jokes, senior moments, etc.
Talking with one of Isabella's schoolmate's mom's, M, I questioned her about what she thinks is acceptable in the world of people who love someone who has autism. I told her that I almost wrote out the comment, "At least, with her autism, Isabella always has someone to talk to." (see http://conquerautism.com/blog/?tag=scripting) M laughed and agreed that others wouldn't get it. As a matter of fact, they might think it cruel when it is just the statement of a gram who loves her grandchild more than she could ever think it possible to!
There is a site that sells t-shirts such as "Proud Grandparent of an Autistic Granddaughter." Another shirt states, "Autism rocks! And flaps and spins..." Would you be apalled to see that last one? M said that is her favorite! My daughter is afraid to wear that one because she is afraid she might hurt the feelings of one of the other parents at school.
I guess it is a matter of what one is comfortable with and the spirit in which they present it. For some, one of those shirts is the same as the having an autism awareness magnet on their car. Still, maybe I ought to stick with something like this: Or, more importantly, this:
Do you work in a field or have an interest where the humor related to it doesn't translate to the rest of the world? See above.
Other than sleep, how to you get beyond fatigue? Going for a walk might work.
Any plans for the weekend? My greatniece is being dedicated on Sunday and I am attending the party and service. It will be good to have the family together.
Are you sad because summer is waning or are you looking forward to autumn? The only sad part of summer ending for me is the shortened daylight hours. Other than that, bring on the crisp, cool days of autumn!
Sing or hum? Used to be sing all the time but I find I don't know as many words as I do tunes these days so humming it is!
Hoping that all is well in your world, g
Friday, August 21, 2009
Flitting Around and Fun Falderal
Just this week alone:
Saturday - out to dinner with the in-laws
Sunday - wedding
Monday - out for the afternoon with Himself
Tuesday and Wednesday - our friends' townhouse down the Jersey shore
Thursday - watched Isabella and then went out to dinner with friends whom I haven't seen in about twenty years
Friday - watched Isabella and out to lunch with a friend visiting from Australia
Tomorrow - baby shower at a "posh" place
Today, we booked a flight for me to go to Texas to visit my baby bro in October. I hate to fly but really want to see my brother and his wife. And I am going alone! Himself has his yearly, sometimes twice yearly, visits with his navy buddies and sometimes goes out to Colorado with a buddy to visit a childhood friend. This will be my time. Also, my brother is fourteen years younger than I and it is a sister/mom/son kind of relationship. He's a great kid! And his wife is tops in my book because she makes him happy.
Isabella is still making me laugh. Doesn't matter how bad a mood I am in; she can make me laugh. Now that I am trying to come up with an example I can't think of one but I laughed quite a bit these last two days. She is making good progress in her communication skills. I am hearing more complete sentences instead of one or two word statements or questions. Now, if we can only get her potty trained.....
The daylight hours are waning. It is now almost dark at eight in the evening (we are at the eastern end of a time zone). That is the only thing that bothers me about the end of summer. In a sermon a couple of weeks ago, the pastor spoke about the negativity of grumbling. It has helped me keep myself in check so I will not go on about how horrid the heat and humidity have been. I will just mention it. Aren't you so proud of me?
That part about not grumbling can be a real life changer. The more one grumbles the more negative their life. It's always been hard for me to not be negative. I figured that pessimists are rarely disappointed. That may be true but it is a lousy way to live. I'm so glad I have friends who help me to lighten up.
Do you tend to be an optimist or a pessimist? I am turning into someone who is cautiously optimistic. I believe I know what is real and what is not and know not to waste my time obsessing on things I can't change. At least I am learning how to.
How is your self image? It has been horrible for years. However, as I learn to like myself, I am taking steps towards accepting and maybe even liking how I look. It has been difficult looking in the mirror at a person who looks like my gram. Yes, I do look like my gram. However, she was a much loved woman who was beautiful from the inside out. Not a bad thing to aspire to, eh?
What is your clothing style? Can you tell I have am watching What Not To Wear as I type this? A statement they made is really bothering me: you should feel beautiful in everything you wear. I have very little clothing because I am cheap when it comes to buying things for myself. I don't usually feel pretty in what I am wearing. I want to change that one piece of clothing at a time whether I am overweight or not.
Do you pay full retail? No! Maybe that is why I don't dress all that well!
Do you enjoy the Duggar family? Very much so.
I appreciate you, g
Friday, August 14, 2009
Fear, Folly or Fully Functional
The more I read and hear of this new health plan the more frightened I get. Has anyone heard anything about what is in store for our children? There is money that is supposed to be earmarked for autism research. Do we believe it will ever see the light of day?
Our society has lost its respect for life be it the beginning of life or the end of it. Each of us is precious in His sight. Please, keep your eyes and ears open and don't let our elected officials stuff what you don't want down your throat.
Are you a healthy person? For the most part, yes. I rarely get sick.
If you are healthy, what is your secret? Chocolate. No, only kidding. I hardly ever eat it any more because it took over my life. I would have to say it is by the grace of God that I am healthy. I have things to do for Him and I have to be healthy to do them. If I am sick, there is a good reason for it.
Favorite cookie? Chewy lace cookies with chocolate sandwiched between them.
Favorite cake? German Chocolate.
Favorite exercise? Sleeping. Oh, if I had to choose it would be walking.
Stay safe, dear ones. Be vigilant. blessings, gail
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Flower Flim-Flam Falderal
Isabella loves, loves, LOVES flowers! My mother-in-law has a silk arrangement that has been decimated over the last couple of years from her allowing Bells to have one flower after another whenever she visits and asks for it.
When I picked Bells up from school today, she said, "My pink flowler (Bella speak)!" She was beside herself that she had left her flower behind.
We knocked on the door and rang the bell to the school and the psychologist who works with the little ones answered let us in. We found the teacher and found out that, no, Isbella didn't have any flowers. However, the aides and psychologist were all given a bouquet by the teacher. Dr. P, with the teacher's okay, happily gave her bouquet of pink "flowlers" to Isabella who has been carrying them around all day still wrapped in clear plastic!
Are we blessed or what? We are surrounded by lovely people and for that I am grateful. There's so much garbage going on in the world and it is great to be blessed.
Have you been blessed by someone today? Along with what I wrote above, it has been a good day. Isabella has behaved well and is healthy and a short visit to two of our favorite cafe owners was delightful. Also, I know I am prayed for daily and that adds to my blessings.
Is there something you do or try to do on a regular basis to bless other peoples' lives? I try to remember to look cashiers in the eye at the check out and give them a smile and a thank you.
Do you like to swim? Can you swim well? I was a strong swimmer last time I took a dip. As I have mentioned before, I don't like to be wet but learned how to swim at a young age.
Ocean, lake or pool? If I had to choose? Pool; least amount of slimy things.
Ideally, if you could do anything you wanted to do anywhere you wanted to do for the next four days what would it be? I would like to be in a place that feels like home but is in a wooded area. I would have a couple of good books and friends popping in and out at all times of the day and evening and good black and white movies and a blue ray. I would like to sleep soundly for a good nine hours straight and feel refreshed for the first time in 29 years.
However, the reality is that The Girl and Bells are supposed to finally be moving back here this weekend. As she finally has a job, she needs to save enough to move on her own again. The Girl, that is;) I'm not looking forward to it as we have a humble home but we are blessed to be able to keep this house for now at least.
Be blessed, dear ones, g