Monday, November 8, 2010

How Appropriate

Today’s Devotional
November 8th, 2010
Sweet Sleep
When day is done and you lie down to sleep, do you rest serenely? Do the experiences of the day pass through your mind, or tomorrow’s unknowns cause you distress?
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
Psalm 63:3
What can change that? The Old Testament speaks of peace as prosperity, health and fulfillment, but it also talks of wholeness and harmony based on relationship. The absence of strife (peace) is found only through the presence of God. David says that "the Lord has set apart the godly" and hears when you call to Him. He tells you to "ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent." (Psalm 4:3-4) David took refuge in that. You, too, can be fully aware of God’s presence and His willingness and ability to answer your prayers.
Your difficult circumstances, dangers you encounter, or illnesses may not go away. But you can have the confidence of David. Unrest and instability in the nation affect its leaders. Military forces around the world face threats every day. Pray for them. Put your trust in the Lord. Let your inner turmoil be quieted. Then close your eyes and enjoy the sweet sleep only God can give.
Recommended Reading: Proverbs 3:19-26
J.K. – Your Prayer Team writing staff

I must remember that the battle is not mine but the Lord's. My son is not my son but God's. Lord, give me, please, the strength and integrity to open my hands and let go of the firm hold I think I have on my children. g


  1. I think that has to be the hardest thing to let go of in all of the world. Our hearts as mammma's always want to protect and hold, that release is never easy. I think just you praying and asking God to help you though, He is always sure to answer your prayers!

  2. My Dear Gail, I am praying for you and your family, especially for your son. There are times over my life when I have had to pray a simular prayer for my boys, who survived those early years. It was often heartbreaking for me as a single mom with two teenage sons. We had many crisis situations back then.I had to give them over to the Lord. I literlly visualized me climbing stairs to Heaven, and handing them back to God. I had to because the burden was too heavy. I couldn't bear it on my own.
    I know it hurts Gail. If you can let go, and climb those stairs and lift your son into God's Arms. He loves Him so much. Trust Him Gail. He saved you and I and He can in His time save your son also.
    My heart goes out to you.
    Love you Gail, my dear sister in the Lord.
    Hugs, Dianne

  3. Hi Gail, Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Hugs, Dianne :)

  4. Sending you hugs.
    Yes it is hard to let go but isn't it comforting knowing that God is there to catch your son and you!

    (I didn't know you were here as well as wordpress we have more in common to go along with the name LOL)

  5. Gail I recieved so much peace from your blog . The peace of God just flows out of you onto your blog and for that I thank you. Its not hard to tell he is yours and you are his.
    Gail its not easy to let go and let God . Thats a big order I hope you know your not alone . Not by a long shot. I dont think we totally let go yet at some point we do a little more and more as they grow . We need to and to trust that God is control . So tell me this next time I have a melt down when my daughter has an issue. We have been thought alot with our last ones. My Son well he is well on his way and his own Man now and I love him for that and so very proud.
    Love You Dear One.
    Lisa xo
