Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fear I'm Failing Falderal

October 04
Fear I'm Failing Falderal

I hate not keeping up with the falderal. By the time Friday rolls around, I am beat. I'm trying!

Around here, life is rarely boring. We may not be the most active family but our lives are full. My calendar used to have a lot of empty spaces but they are filling up quickly these days.

We need to be careful, though, of busyness. We were reminded in this morning's sermon that busyness can keep us from the truly important things in life like spending time with God and reading his word.

Busyness takes form in many ways. Those with young families find themselves running the children to this, that and the other thing after having a full day working at home or on site. Watching a lot of tv, my vice, keeps me "busy" when there is much else I can be doing. Fantasy football keeps my son glued to the tv and his laptop all Sunday. Web browsing, texting, shopping; all ways to keep busy.

What's keeping you busy today? My busyness today in particular was taking a nap! I am here on my netbook and football is on.

Do you allow too much busyness in your life? Allow? When it comes to tv and the computer, yes. Taking care of Isabella as much as I do is a blessing but not something I "choose" to do. It would be nice to have some options.

Do you "get" fantasy football? I just explained what I think it is to my son and he said I was right. Yea me!

What would you like to be busier doing? Reading scripture and spending time with God; fruitful time with God. This has taken such a back seat to tv and the computer and it is time to get right again.

What can you give up or cut back on to reach the goal in the last question? I have a habit of turning on the tv shortly after I wake up to see what is going on in the world. That can wait.

How are you? I hope and pray that all is well with and yours. Drop me a comment and let me know, okay? g

1 comment:

  1. What's keeping you busy today? I thought working from home would be a breeze, but there’s just way too many distractions to keep me occupied, so I’m looking forward to healing soon so I can do less work at the office.

    Do you allow too much busyness in your life? Only if it’s necessary – gotta work / gotta socialize, everything in moderation.

    Do you "get" fantasy football? We play for money with my colleagues & I’m currently bottom of the league, grrr

    What would you like to be busier doing? Being altruistic

    What can you give up or cut back on to reach the goal in the last question? Make time, which is easier said than done...
