I don't know why "z" is a symbol for sleeping - maybe it is what people think snoring sounds like? (Yes, I have woken myself up with a little snort of a snore - I admit it. Himself says he doesn't remember the last time he heard me snore - good answer, Himself, good answer.)
Getting back to sleeping, I never anticipated having a chronic condition that would cause me to have constant fatigue. Maybe God's sense of humor gave me a way to be able to nap without having guilt about it? I have tried to fight it but it fights back. If I don't nap when I need to, I wind up flat on my back with pain. Blessedly, my hubby is kind about this. Others, like my children, don't get it unless they are reminded (conditions that are invisible sometimes make people think you exaggerate or fake it).
Anyhoodle, by the grace of God, I am able to cope and I get to nap! ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
The A to Z Challenge has been a hoot. I'm so glad to have had this experience and to have met new people. Maybe I will be more regular in my blogging....let's hope so!