Yup, once again, I am under the wire in finishing this A to Z challenge. Hey, I was doing well until I got sick!
Even in college, I was a last minute person. I planned out a paper in my mind before I wrote it out. I have read that this is one of two kinds of people. The other takes their time, writing it out as they go along with a lot of time to amend and correct. I already amended and corrected in my mind.
One area that I have changed in this last year is in preparing for my small group. Being a leader, it would be unfair to the people I am mentoring and discipling to cheap out on my preparation time.
It is true that people who teach learn as much if not more than those they teach. Good stuff, eh?
Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge. (www.thankfulme.net) I agree that teachers learn more than students.